Stress-Busting Lifestyle Tips for Busy Health Professionals

As a medical professional, you’re already well-equipped to keep your body in the healthiest and fittest condition. Your training and experience in medicine will have provided you with more knowledge and skills than most when it comes to improving and maintaining your health and wellbeing. But, with the aging population and a shortage of medical professionals putting more pressure on medical staff than ever before, stress is becoming a dangerous yet unavoidable part of the job. As a doctor or nurse, stress can sometimes be motivating – and you probably already know the physical and mental effects of stress on us as humans. Here are some practical tips to keep in mind.

#1. Partner Up to Reduce Surgery Stress:

If you’re lucky enough to be managing your own doctor’s office or surgery, then you’re more in control of how your day-to-day work plays out. Partnering with companies such as Rishin Patel Insight Medical Partners to provide your patients with customized solutions for a variety of neurologic and musculoskeletal injuries will ensure high patient satisfaction and improve your medical brand’s image and reputation. Not only is this a better experience for your patients, working together with experienced partners can give you the support that you need in a busy career.

#2. Try Talking Therapy:

Healthcare professionals who work on the front line in emergency rooms, intensive care departments and a variety of other healthcare settings may often find that being part of traumatic experiences is just another day on the job. It can be easy for some people to separate their emotions from their work, but almost every healthcare worker will be affected by something during their career. If you work closely with patients, it’s a good idea to take the time to attend regular therapy sessions where you’ll be able to talk privately about the good and bad aspects of your job. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CTB) is hugely useful if you want to start changing how you view and handle stress.

#3. Improve Your Diet:

For many healthcare professionals, eating happens when they’re able to grab a few spare minutes to demolish a granola bar or grabbing take-out on the way home from a fourteen-hour shift in the ER. Finding the time to eat three healthy and balanced meals per day with at least five portions of fruit or vegetables is not always easy when you’re a busy medical practitioner who always needs to put others first. Simple changes, such as always eating a high-protein breakfast before your shift, batch-cooking healthy meals to freeze and heat up after working long hours and grabbing healthy snacks when you do get time to eat can make all the difference.

#4. Get Social Support:

Lastly, turn to your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues for social support when needed. Spending time networking with and getting to know fellow doctors and health professionals will help you build a social circle that you can turn to when you need an understanding and listening ear. Medical professional forums and social media groups can also be helpful.
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