What Every Woman Should Know About Their Hearing Health

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/a65HtiHSOwA Hearing loss or difficulty in hearing is frustrating for the affected patients and their loved ones. Several studies have shown a strong relationship between hearing loss, low quality of life, and chronic diseases. In the U.S., more than one-third of women above 50 years have some degree of hearing difficulties. The percentage increases…

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Why is it Easier to Remember Whiteboard Videos?

Whiteboard videos are those animated short films which all of us have seen on various social media platforms, websites and especially YouTube. It generally consists of sped up animation that shows a hand drawing on a whiteboard, while an accompanying voice attempts to explain the idea or the concept in an innovative and easy to…

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6 Key Reasons to Consider Whiteboard Animation Videos in Your Campaign

The use of videos can make a big difference in your marketing campaign. This is because they have high consumption rates and are among the most shared forms of content. If you are looking to make a difference in your marketing campaigns, consider making some whiteboard animation videos. These will give you the benefits you…

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