5 Medications Most Frequently Prescribed by Cardiologists

Picture credit: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/asian-female-medical-doctor-measuring-blood-pressure-senior-elderly-patient-looking-camera_25104469.htm#query=Cardiologists&position=6&from_view=search&track=sph  Heart attack has become one of the leading causes of death in recent times; hence, we are advised to stay up-to-date on the issue. Ever wondered what medications can cardiologists recommend to their patients? Some of them emerge as favorites among cardiologists when dealing with heart-related concerns, and in this blog post, we’ll…

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Best At Home Thyroid Test | Take Control of Your Health

memory tests

You can take a thyroid test at home by using a blood or saliva test kit, which are both accurate and affordable. Home testing is a great way to get started on your path to better health, and can provide you with valuable information about your thyroid health. Do you need a Thyroid test? Lets…

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The Importance of Psychology Today

It is no secret that our mental wellness controls us, and obviously this means that if we have a lack of mental wellness, this can greatly impact every aspect of our lives. This is one of the reasons why psychology is so important for both day to day wellness, and for other issues such as…

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3 Reasons Why You Might Need an Employment Lawyer

Legal action is often the last option in many situations, but it might be necessary sometimes if you need a major issue or disagreement resolved. There are many different scenarios that might arise where legal action may need to be taken, including hiring a lawyer. However, the type of lawyer that you will need will…

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5 Ways to Make Your Elderly Parent’s Home Safer for Them

Does your elderly parent still live at home independently? Do you sometimes worry about their safety and well-being since you aren’t there with them daily? It’s a common worry to have, and while your parent may not need assistance at all times there are some simple ways you can make their home as safe as…

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How Massages Stimulate The Mind

Massages are an ancient practice used to relax your whole body, your mind, and your soul. They can be used to treat injuries and relieve pain; they can improve stress management and help to improve focus. They are a great way to relax. If you’re looking for a more unique, sensual massage, you might choose…

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How CBD Can Improve Memory Loss

There are many advantages to taking CBD, and you don’t need the THC cannabinoids with it to reap the benefits. The cannabis plant contains over a hundred different cannabinoids, and CBD is most likely the best for our health. It can improve anxiety, depression, headaches, sleeping, muscle aches and pains, and even help with memory…

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Dementia Preventive Care Tips for Your 60s

Healthy Age

Dementia isn’t a specific disease — rather, it’s a syndrome that leads to the loss of cognitive functioning beyond the usual deterioration of aging. The WHO reports that 55 million people worldwide suffer from dementia and, with the number of seniors is increasing, it’s also predicted that the number of cases will increase to 78…

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Top 5 Healthy Hair Tips

There’s nothing like being hair confident, and this can be achieved through the right care and attention. However, whilst many people can make this look effortless, for others, this may take a lot more than just changing shampoo. To help, here are our top 5 tips to achieve healthy-looking hair, from quick fixes to long…

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